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Otoboke Beaver - Discografía

Otoboke Beaver Esta es una banda de Japón, formadas en 2009, me las topé por un video en facebook de una canción que le revisó el celular a alguien, y me prendí del des…

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Confusa - Confusa

Confusa es una banda de punk, he estado buscando información de ell@s y unas paginas ponen que eran de finlandia y otras de japón. A ciencia cierta no lo sé, lo que si…

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fight back + hazard - realities of hardcore punk split cd (2010) japan

fight back + hazard - realities of hardcore punk split cd (2010) japan…

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Doble Tributo A Masacre 68 - Seguiremos Inconformes

Doble Tributo A Masacre 68 - Seguiremos Inconformes 01 - Dob…

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Cacofonía - Anarchus - Live In Japan

Cacofonía - Anarchus - Live In Japan 01 - Cacofonia - Disaster 02 - Cacofonia…

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1992-Dischange & CFDL - Split EP

1992-Dischange & CFDL - Split EP [mp3] _Split_EP_%255Bmp3%255D.rar/file 01 - CFDL - Bore…

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Balzac - 1995-EP-Atom_age_vampire_in_308 01 - atom-age vampire in 308 02 - day the earth caught fire 03 - fiendish ghouls …

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Balzac - 1995-The Last Men on Earth balzac - the last men on earth - 01 - night of the blood beast balzac - the last men o…

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Balzac - 1997-Deep_teenagers_from_outer_space 01 - Psyche Dungeon - When The Fiendish Ghouls Night 02 - Wall 03 - The Huma…

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Balzac - 1998-13 stairway-the children of the night- 1 - Atomic-Age 2 - Nowhere #13 3 - Sad NOS.99 4 - Legacy 2 5 - Tomorr…

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Balzac - 1999-EP-Neat_neat_neat-the_end_of_century_flexi 01 - Neat Neat Neat 02 - The End of Century (Studio Outtake)

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Balzac - 2000-Zennou Naru Musuu no Me ha Shi wo Yubi Sasu 01 - While I Await My Second Death 02 - Day The Earth Caught Fir…

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Balzac - 2002-EP-Terrifying-art_of_dying!_the_last_men_on_earth_ii 01 - Thirteen 03 - Soko-de miteita yami-no mukou- 0…

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Balzac - 2003-Beyond_the_darkness 01 - Thirteen 02 - Day The Earth Caught Fire 03 - Wall 04 - Into The Light Of The 13 Dar…

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2003-Split-MISFITS & BALZAC-Don't Open'Till Doomsday 01-MISFITS - Day The Earth Caught Fire (Balzac) …

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Balzac - 2004-Came Out of The Grave

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Balzac - 2005-Out_of_the_grave_and_into_the_dark 01 - The Grave-Dreizehn 02 - Zetsubou-No-Ano-Basho-E 03 - Season Of The D…

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Balzac - 2006-Deep_blue_chaos_from_dark_ism_2 01_-_death_and_confrontation 02_-_godless 03_-_the_scare 04_-_in_those_days …

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Balzac - 2007-Paranoid Dream of The Zodiac (2007)

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Balzac - 2008-Hatred destruction = construction 01 The Shadows Of Daybreak‡T 02 (”ј‹¶—ђ) Distruction 03 Swa…

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